Meet the 40 years antique Man who died and got here returned to existence again.

Meet t he 40- year -o ld w ho d ied a nd c ame b ack t o l ife. Mo re often than no t in life, we a re inspired b y the testimonies of other peopl e who may never have been w a r ned when cha n ge s could n o t have alternate palms or destinies fulfilled in s om e way or ano the r o n e. Yet l ife has taught us nothing m or e to und e rsta nd the sma ll existence that we r eser ve for ho w much we a re able t o breath e , smile, devour, move around, do the t hing s we l ike t o do, and a bove all have the hopes of the most beaut i ful days . tops that by no me ans arrived . GhanaCNN.Com writ t e n with music on the lips and empathy in the veins, we write to encourage, conquer, increase, educate, inform and knock on the door of your p roble m s, making t hem recogni z e that you have s t i mulat ing m em or ies to study and analyze. Love, pleasure, and masses of extra you can ever replicate on attention on have be...